30 martie 2005

La Llorona

La Llorona - De Cara A La Pared, daisies, the ocean, Greenpeace, Amelie, books, photography, jazz, new.


I was just called on angel :) Same person who calls me a devil most of the times. He got the idea from the little sign I have on my bag of a She-devil. He said I put it there as a kind of advertisement. Never thought of the She-devil patch in those terms myself. Actually I just thought it was fun as it looks a lot like the sign of the ladies' room but has the little horns attached, something you don't necessarily see at first. It's strange how religion pops up in conversations everywhere basically, whether we like it or not, whether we are religious or not. I guess you can't get away from symbols. So why try? What would it be nicer, being an angel or a devil? Hmm...

28 martie 2005


Tooth brush. Today I cut my hair. I love it. Done it before some months ago and I was actully going to let it grow this time, and dye it blond or red, hadn't made up my mind yet. But in the last few days this new idea had passed my mind. And today I did it. I am quite content. :D

27 martie 2005


I'm wondering how should a mixture of personal journal and web journal should sound like. For example, today I got online and the first thing I did was to check my e-mail and login to Yahoo messenger, as always. This deffinetly says what I did on the web, could this be it? Too tutorial. No, couldn't be this. It's gonna be a bunch of thoughts published knowing no one is going to read, and even if they do, so what? You're covered by the best alibi, internet anonymity.