10 decembrie 2006
If love is a drug, I guess we're all sober
I can have another you in a minute, I can have another you by tomorrow. Don't you ever for a second get to thinking you're irreplaceable. Just a tiny quote from a popular song you can't miss even if you just let your TV running 10 minutes a day. Guess when you feel hurt or betrayed or whatever other mixed unpleasant feeling seems to cross your path any song seems to be about you. Assuming the quote is true, cause it's not that hard to make it true. What exactly are we doing here? Crash into each other in search of some sort of affection or comfort, crash into the next available when the other one is left, anything to fill the void, anything to feel better. Having become such strangers in every day life we'd do anything just to have some comfort. But when things stop going well, a tad out of what you had planned, just let go, take the next one available. And then so on and so forth until when? Of course the wall will be there, the wall that keeps the others away. Stop feeling anything and nothing will touch you. We've all become untouchable and so much replaceable.
01 octombrie 2006
Pour les connaisseurs
Am un nou loc preferat în Bucuresti. Cărtureşti - carte, ceai, muzică, dichis. E minunat. De la cum arată localul, arhitectural vorbind, la lista nesfâşită de ceaiuri, la ceainicul colorat în care e servit ceaiul, la angajaţii amabili, oamenii care sunt acolo, cărţile minunate şi colorate din rafturi :) Azi am fost acolo cu o colegă de servici după ce am văzut filmul "A fost sau n-a fost?" regizat de Corneliu Porumboiu. Am discutat despre - ce altceva decât despre - revoluţie. Despre mentalităţi, era în ton cu filmul şi cu localul. Cărtureşti e primul loc din Bucureşti care îmi place la nebunie. Îmi place în totalitate. Şi peste o săptămână o să mă duc să îmi iau ceva cărţi şi ceainicul ăla înflorat pe care am pus ochii :)
14 septembrie 2006
Ferma, posta, institutie de stat.... aaa. Care e diferenta?
Blogu' asta e ca viata mea. Juma' in engleza, juma' in romana. Azi dimineatza a trebuit sa intru la posta. Stiam ce e inauntru, dar mi-am luat inima in dinti si am intrat oricum... Jeg, miros urat, 40 de oameni asteptand la 5 case, ca animalele in targ. Dupa ce am citit vreo 3 liste cu ce se face la ghiseurile respective, ma gandesc sa interactionez cu "d-na" cu 4 clase de la ghiseu. "fiti amabila, pot plati factura la electricitate aici?". "LA CE?", intreaba cu o privire tampa tanti de la posta. "La electricitate", " La ghiseul 5, ca scrie acolo", raspunde cu cel mai cabalin si nesimtit ton posibil.
Damn, shouda swear the heck out of her. Fuckin' illiterate bitch! But I didn't... Oricum, la ghiseul 5 asteptau doar vreo 20 si de oameni. Deci pana la urma nu mai intru la posta chiar deloc, decat daca imi atarna viata de chestia asta. Viata ideala in RO? Hmmm. Sa nu trebuiasca sa mergi pe strada, ca sa nu te mai injure nimeni, sa nu mai vezi jeg, tigani, oameni nesimtiti gratuit. Deci masina, si mutat in Baneasa, sau in afara Romaniei? Just a thought...
me, me, me :)
Photographer, model and designer. hihihi. Did I mention, modest? Well, guess not :P
Check out biancamarcu.buzznet.com for MORE.
05 septembrie 2006
red rocks
Mi-am revopsit parul, tot rosu. Oricat as schimba vopseaua tot nu gasesc nuanta aia de rosu tare pe care o caut... Intre timp trebuie sa ma multumesc cu ce a iesit.
B.M. roscata cu ochelari...
B.M. roscata cu ochelari...
29 august 2006
Si am fost in Vama, vremea a fost grozava, 3 zile in continuu... Deci Yahoo ar trebui sa se lase de prognoze meteo, ca nu le iese oricum :) Am sta pe plaja cu cooktailul in mana, cu burtica la soare, am facut baie cu algele - altfel oricum nu se poate la Marea Neagra anul asta - si mi-am cumparat cercei. hihihi. Am ramas uimita cate stele erau pe cer noaptea... Deci daca stai in Bucuresti nu mai ai parte de ele si iti dai seama ca lipsesc doar cand le vezi altundeva. Am stat intinsa pe nisip noaptea uitandu-ma la ele ca la un fenomen care nu apare decat rar de tot...
23 august 2006
Astept weekendul cu mai multa nerabdare decat oricand. De o saptamana urmaresc prognoza meteo in fiecare zi. Sa merg la mare 3 zile daca 2 o sa ploua? Hmmm. Poate o sa fie dragutz si asa. Furtuna in Vama :)
17 august 2006
A fost si concertul Placebo. Prea scurt, prea bun :) Atmosfora super super tare, organizare f naspa (ca doar a avut loc in Bucuresti). De departe cel mai grozav concert la care am fost vreodata. M-am simtit grozav, publicul si atmosfera mi s-au parut mult mult mai bune decat la HIM, in Sibiu acum cateva saptamani. Daca ar fi reusit sa il si organizeze ca sa nu fie calcare in picioare, intarziere de 2 ore pentru warm up etc, ar fi fost perfect.
Interesant cum la Sibiu, unde au venit vreo 7 formatii, a putut sa fie super bine organizat evenimentul, sa inceapa toate la timp, sa corespunda orele de pe program cu orele de incepere la fiecare dintre formatii, pe parcursul unei zile intregi, iar la Bucuresti, vine o singura formatie si se intra in Arenele Romane la 2 ore dupa ora scrisa pe bilet... Need I say more?
Interesant cum la Sibiu, unde au venit vreo 7 formatii, a putut sa fie super bine organizat evenimentul, sa inceapa toate la timp, sa corespunda orele de pe program cu orele de incepere la fiecare dintre formatii, pe parcursul unei zile intregi, iar la Bucuresti, vine o singura formatie si se intra in Arenele Romane la 2 ore dupa ora scrisa pe bilet... Need I say more?
26 iulie 2006
13 iulie 2006
1st post, maybe to be continued
Just had a look at my profile picture, damn I was white! Was, cause' now I'm brownie :) New pictures to come. Thought about giving a chance to this yahoo 360. Maybe it will grow on me.
19 aprilie 2006
morning party in the white room
For 10 days I will be starting each morning with a little party. What I would like to do at this party is sleep or at least doze. But it's not all that possible. Like any respectable party, this one is filled with loud, jolly people. Mostly old women who like to talk about, love, marring too young, allowing your husband to beat you up, how to make sarmale (traditional food course), whether to make cozonaci for Easter or just buy them. Also, today I found out that if you want someone to beat your carpets with a stick you can be lucky enough to get the block cleaning lady to do it for 50 000 lei. That's all for today, more news from the party tomorrow.
So it's tommorow now. This morning the party started at 8, inhuman hour. And it went on from 9 a.m. in a smaller white room where there is no fun at all. The news are: there is actually a 8 minute manea about or dedicated to Gigi Becali, big football game tonight and I'm afraid I forgot the rest. Am I going senile? Maybe. Or just got my brains mashed from work + lack of sleep. Anyway, no party tommorow, I'll sleeeeeeeeeeep ;) till 9 ;)
So it's tommorow now. This morning the party started at 8, inhuman hour. And it went on from 9 a.m. in a smaller white room where there is no fun at all. The news are: there is actually a 8 minute manea about or dedicated to Gigi Becali, big football game tonight and I'm afraid I forgot the rest. Am I going senile? Maybe. Or just got my brains mashed from work + lack of sleep. Anyway, no party tommorow, I'll sleeeeeeeeeeep ;) till 9 ;)
18 aprilie 2006
Long time since my last post. Now, since I have managed to finish college and got a job doing sort of basic IT support, like any Journalism graduate in this wonderfull contry, I thought to try out some new challanges on the blogger. So I did. Did try to upload a profile photo, which I managed as can be seen on the left hand side of this post. BUT, this is by far the most complicated, useless done so process I have ever had to do. Congrats to the IT guys or galls who came up with it. Here here!
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